First Review : Ketan Susu Kemayoran

12:01 AM

This will be my first food review from me! Am I a food blogger oredy? Let time judge, as I seem to have problem with commitment (exception for relationship pls)


I choose Ketan susu Kemayoran as my first review because...nothing. I just choose. And it's just soo me, choosing sumthing because I choosed it.

Oh well... Lets just skip to the Ketan Susu thing, shall we?

I was introduced to this snack type food by my boyfriend Max. I cant remember how, but he managed to take me to this glutinuos rice stall. The stall is located on small dark alley. If you in the group of highly sanitized fan, you may found hard to enjoy this. Because the waroong is far from shabby chic, I must say. The waroong is located at the corner of small dark alley at the intersection of Jl. Garuda, Kemayoran. 

Ketan Susu Kemayoran - Front view
The front part used to display and serve the customers. Stack of banana, sweet potato and tempe are within reach from the table set up. While at the back side, they used it to cook the ketan and fried the fritters.
Reach-able display of fritters
For me, when I heard Ketan susu, I was like... what? Ketan? With milk? Condensed milk? Who has that crazy mind?? I mean, ketan, or sticky rice, or glutinous rice usually paired with some savoury dish. Though glutinous rice flour used in many range of traditional sweet treats, the un-milled rice mainly known to be paired with something savoury. Usually it's stuffed with spicy shredded fish ( Lalampa ) or shreded chicken ( Lemper ), or spicy grated coconut ( Serundeng ). One sweet treat created from it, as far as I can remember, is the Ketan Srikaya (glutinous rice topped with steamed sugar, eggs, coconut milk mixture).

So at my first introduction I refused to enjoy it. Shame on me.

By second visit, I kindda forced my taste buds to be more democratic. And I am thankfull...

Ketan susu is simply steamed hot glutinous rice, topped with condensed milk / creamer and grated coconut. The portioning was small, only a small fist size. Ketan susu usually comes with fried tempe and chilly padi.

Ketan Susu topped with grated coconut and condensed milk
The ketan is steamed to perfection. It still grainy, but not hard at all. Al dente is a nice phrase for it. And the condensed milk, surprisingly compliment the ketan very well, resulted in nice sweet but savoury as well. The savoury taste was probably from the grated coconut.
At my second visit, people were lining up not for the ketan, but for..fried tempe.

I was like, what is so special with the tempe??

Fried tempe. Nothing looks special...
Later I found, that combo of ketan and tempe is quite nice. The tempe was fried after dipped into water mixture of salt and garlic (I assumed). Enjoyed the ketan and tempe while it hot, it was very nice and surprisingly enjoyable. With a cup of hot tea (no cold drink available here), this meal is something homey. Some kindda meal that is so simple and earthy, it brought back the feeling of eating in your own house.
Ketan Susu + Fried Tempe + Chili Padi = Surpri
Ketan susu Kemayoran served :
- Ketan susu (steamed glutinous rice topped with condensed milk and grated coconut)
- Fried tempe
- Banana and sweet potatoes fritters
- Teh poci ( tea served in clay tea pot)

For 4 ketan susu, 11 fried tempe (embarrased), and 2 glass of hot tea, we spent no more than 40K. And of course we went home with full and happy tummy!!

If you wanna visit Ketan Susu Kemayoran, from Pasar Baru traffic light (BPS side), go straight until you pass the railways. Keep straight, until you find intersection. Take right turn, the Ketan Susu Kemayoran is located slighty at the corner of the intersection. Easiest way to mark it is from the lined up motorbike parked in front of it. Max said this waroong was usually visited by the youngster bikers.

Patrons of Ketan Susu Kemayoran
So, enjoy!

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Monday, February 10, 2014

First Review : Ketan Susu Kemayoran

This will be my first food review from me! Am I a food blogger oredy? Let time judge, as I seem to have problem with commitment (exception for relationship pls)


I choose Ketan susu Kemayoran as my first review because...nothing. I just choose. And it's just soo me, choosing sumthing because I choosed it.

Oh well... Lets just skip to the Ketan Susu thing, shall we?

I was introduced to this snack type food by my boyfriend Max. I cant remember how, but he managed to take me to this glutinuos rice stall. The stall is located on small dark alley. If you in the group of highly sanitized fan, you may found hard to enjoy this. Because the waroong is far from shabby chic, I must say. The waroong is located at the corner of small dark alley at the intersection of Jl. Garuda, Kemayoran. 

Ketan Susu Kemayoran - Front view
The front part used to display and serve the customers. Stack of banana, sweet potato and tempe are within reach from the table set up. While at the back side, they used it to cook the ketan and fried the fritters.
Reach-able display of fritters
For me, when I heard Ketan susu, I was like... what? Ketan? With milk? Condensed milk? Who has that crazy mind?? I mean, ketan, or sticky rice, or glutinous rice usually paired with some savoury dish. Though glutinous rice flour used in many range of traditional sweet treats, the un-milled rice mainly known to be paired with something savoury. Usually it's stuffed with spicy shredded fish ( Lalampa ) or shreded chicken ( Lemper ), or spicy grated coconut ( Serundeng ). One sweet treat created from it, as far as I can remember, is the Ketan Srikaya (glutinous rice topped with steamed sugar, eggs, coconut milk mixture).

So at my first introduction I refused to enjoy it. Shame on me.

By second visit, I kindda forced my taste buds to be more democratic. And I am thankfull...

Ketan susu is simply steamed hot glutinous rice, topped with condensed milk / creamer and grated coconut. The portioning was small, only a small fist size. Ketan susu usually comes with fried tempe and chilly padi.

Ketan Susu topped with grated coconut and condensed milk
The ketan is steamed to perfection. It still grainy, but not hard at all. Al dente is a nice phrase for it. And the condensed milk, surprisingly compliment the ketan very well, resulted in nice sweet but savoury as well. The savoury taste was probably from the grated coconut.
At my second visit, people were lining up not for the ketan, but for..fried tempe.

I was like, what is so special with the tempe??

Fried tempe. Nothing looks special...
Later I found, that combo of ketan and tempe is quite nice. The tempe was fried after dipped into water mixture of salt and garlic (I assumed). Enjoyed the ketan and tempe while it hot, it was very nice and surprisingly enjoyable. With a cup of hot tea (no cold drink available here), this meal is something homey. Some kindda meal that is so simple and earthy, it brought back the feeling of eating in your own house.
Ketan Susu + Fried Tempe + Chili Padi = Surpri
Ketan susu Kemayoran served :
- Ketan susu (steamed glutinous rice topped with condensed milk and grated coconut)
- Fried tempe
- Banana and sweet potatoes fritters
- Teh poci ( tea served in clay tea pot)

For 4 ketan susu, 11 fried tempe (embarrased), and 2 glass of hot tea, we spent no more than 40K. And of course we went home with full and happy tummy!!

If you wanna visit Ketan Susu Kemayoran, from Pasar Baru traffic light (BPS side), go straight until you pass the railways. Keep straight, until you find intersection. Take right turn, the Ketan Susu Kemayoran is located slighty at the corner of the intersection. Easiest way to mark it is from the lined up motorbike parked in front of it. Max said this waroong was usually visited by the youngster bikers.

Patrons of Ketan Susu Kemayoran
So, enjoy!

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