Lick your spit Ingrid!

7:50 AM


I know in  post, this post I was kindda under estimating those fancy trendy cakes that happend to be scattered in every cake shop nowadays.

But then I find myself intimidated by people in this mailist. I am the witness of how they made people instantly drool over their picture of their cake!

And somehow.. I found my self reviewing some recommended recipe for The Rainbow Cake. Well in the end.. I made it, and I have to admit, it's not as easy as it seems.

Dividing your batter into 6 and coloring was not as easy as I thought. I was made busy. This is not a kindda cake you cake make while whistling all over you kitchen or watching Fox Movies.


I'm using Ombre Cake recipe instead of stick to the original RC recipe due to the crazy increase of eggs, sugar, and butter price! I mean, I just can't understand why people think they can double the price because it's Ramadhan???

The recipe itself was for 5 layer 20 cm cake. I was using 18 cm, so I made it into 6 layer. And my mom criticized the number of white egg, so I reduce it. I'm gonna put the original recipe and mark the area where I put some changes. The recipe was belong to the famous Mrs. Fatmah Bahalwan, the owner and creator of NCC Indonesia.

Bahan A:
12 btr         Telur ( mine was 12 yolks + 8 white )
300 gr        gula pasir
20 gr          emulsifier
1  sdt         vanillie (mine was 1 tsp of vanillie extract)
Bahan B:
260 gr        tepung terigu
20 gr          susu bubuk
20 gr          maizena
Bahan C
150 gr        mentega, lelehkan. (mine was 100 margarin + 25 roombutter + 25 butter)
1 sdm        pasta susu (I skipped it)
Bahan D: 
350 gr        Butter Cream siap pakai
350 gr        Cream Cheese
 (mine was : 100 gr Powder WC + 100 WC + some leftover of cream cheese frosting. Leftover shouldn't be left!)
Bahan E:
200 ml       simpel sirup
Bahan F:
Pasta Pandan ( mine changed to 5 food coloring. Cherry Red, Green Leaf, Royal Blue, Egg Yellow, Yam Purple)

Cara membuat :
1.      Kocok Bahan A hingga kental, masukkan bahan B sambil diayak, tuangi bahan C aduk balik hingga rata.
2.      Bagi adonan menjadi enam, masing-masing diberi Bahan F, kecuali 1 yang dibiarkan polos tdk berwarna. Banyaknya pewarna disesuaikan.
3.      Masing-masing tuang dalam loyang diameter 18cm.  oven hingga matang, kurleb 15 mnt, dinginkan.
4.      Kocok bahan D hingga lembut, sisihkan.
5.      Penyelesaian :
-          Letakkan cake warna ungu, perciki dengan Bahan E, poles dengan  bahan D. Lanjutkan dengan warna biru, hijau, kuning, oranye, dan terakhir merah.
6.      Terakhir, poles seluruh permukaan cake, hias dengan sisa krim, hias sesuai selera.

Daan penampakannya sebagai berikut : 

First evidence that I'm that crappy :)

My brother was so excited he almost finished this cake in 2 days. For me, I'm just happy I could feed my BF, L :)

Well... I'm officially a rainbow maker now. Got any story about making RC? 

- I -

Bonus : a hint of how L defend his RC from our dog, Kimberley :)

Too cute!!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Lick your spit Ingrid!


I know in  post, this post I was kindda under estimating those fancy trendy cakes that happend to be scattered in every cake shop nowadays.

But then I find myself intimidated by people in this mailist. I am the witness of how they made people instantly drool over their picture of their cake!

And somehow.. I found my self reviewing some recommended recipe for The Rainbow Cake. Well in the end.. I made it, and I have to admit, it's not as easy as it seems.

Dividing your batter into 6 and coloring was not as easy as I thought. I was made busy. This is not a kindda cake you cake make while whistling all over you kitchen or watching Fox Movies.


I'm using Ombre Cake recipe instead of stick to the original RC recipe due to the crazy increase of eggs, sugar, and butter price! I mean, I just can't understand why people think they can double the price because it's Ramadhan???

The recipe itself was for 5 layer 20 cm cake. I was using 18 cm, so I made it into 6 layer. And my mom criticized the number of white egg, so I reduce it. I'm gonna put the original recipe and mark the area where I put some changes. The recipe was belong to the famous Mrs. Fatmah Bahalwan, the owner and creator of NCC Indonesia.

Bahan A:
12 btr         Telur ( mine was 12 yolks + 8 white )
300 gr        gula pasir
20 gr          emulsifier
1  sdt         vanillie (mine was 1 tsp of vanillie extract)
Bahan B:
260 gr        tepung terigu
20 gr          susu bubuk
20 gr          maizena
Bahan C
150 gr        mentega, lelehkan. (mine was 100 margarin + 25 roombutter + 25 butter)
1 sdm        pasta susu (I skipped it)
Bahan D: 
350 gr        Butter Cream siap pakai
350 gr        Cream Cheese
 (mine was : 100 gr Powder WC + 100 WC + some leftover of cream cheese frosting. Leftover shouldn't be left!)
Bahan E:
200 ml       simpel sirup
Bahan F:
Pasta Pandan ( mine changed to 5 food coloring. Cherry Red, Green Leaf, Royal Blue, Egg Yellow, Yam Purple)

Cara membuat :
1.      Kocok Bahan A hingga kental, masukkan bahan B sambil diayak, tuangi bahan C aduk balik hingga rata.
2.      Bagi adonan menjadi enam, masing-masing diberi Bahan F, kecuali 1 yang dibiarkan polos tdk berwarna. Banyaknya pewarna disesuaikan.
3.      Masing-masing tuang dalam loyang diameter 18cm.  oven hingga matang, kurleb 15 mnt, dinginkan.
4.      Kocok bahan D hingga lembut, sisihkan.
5.      Penyelesaian :
-          Letakkan cake warna ungu, perciki dengan Bahan E, poles dengan  bahan D. Lanjutkan dengan warna biru, hijau, kuning, oranye, dan terakhir merah.
6.      Terakhir, poles seluruh permukaan cake, hias dengan sisa krim, hias sesuai selera.

Daan penampakannya sebagai berikut : 

First evidence that I'm that crappy :)

My brother was so excited he almost finished this cake in 2 days. For me, I'm just happy I could feed my BF, L :)

Well... I'm officially a rainbow maker now. Got any story about making RC? 

- I -

Bonus : a hint of how L defend his RC from our dog, Kimberley :)

Too cute!!

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