First Review : Ketan Susu Kemayoran

12:01 AM

This will be my first food review from me! Am I a food blogger oredy? Let time judge, as I seem to have problem with commitment (exception for relationship pls)


I choose Ketan susu Kemayoran as my first review because...nothing. I just choose. And it's just soo me, choosing sumthing because I choosed it.

Oh well... Lets just skip to the Ketan Susu thing, shall we?

I was introduced to this snack type food by my boyfriend Max. I cant remember how, but he managed to take me to this glutinuos rice stall. The stall is located on small dark alley. If you in the group of highly sanitized fan, you may found hard to enjoy this. Because the waroong is far from shabby chic, I must say. The waroong is located at the corner of small dark alley at the intersection of Jl. Garuda, Kemayoran. 

Ketan Susu Kemayoran - Front view
The front part used to display and serve the customers. Stack of banana, sweet potato and tempe are within reach from the table set up. While at the back side, they used it to cook the ketan and fried the fritters.
Reach-able display of fritters
For me, when I heard Ketan susu, I was like... what? Ketan? With milk? Condensed milk? Who has that crazy mind?? I mean, ketan, or sticky rice, or glutinous rice usually paired with some savoury dish. Though glutinous rice flour used in many range of traditional sweet treats, the un-milled rice mainly known to be paired with something savoury. Usually it's stuffed with spicy shredded fish ( Lalampa ) or shreded chicken ( Lemper ), or spicy grated coconut ( Serundeng ). One sweet treat created from it, as far as I can remember, is the Ketan Srikaya (glutinous rice topped with steamed sugar, eggs, coconut milk mixture).

So at my first introduction I refused to enjoy it. Shame on me.

By second visit, I kindda forced my taste buds to be more democratic. And I am thankfull...

Ketan susu is simply steamed hot glutinous rice, topped with condensed milk / creamer and grated coconut. The portioning was small, only a small fist size. Ketan susu usually comes with fried tempe and chilly padi.

Ketan Susu topped with grated coconut and condensed milk
The ketan is steamed to perfection. It still grainy, but not hard at all. Al dente is a nice phrase for it. And the condensed milk, surprisingly compliment the ketan very well, resulted in nice sweet but savoury as well. The savoury taste was probably from the grated coconut.
At my second visit, people were lining up not for the ketan, but for..fried tempe.

I was like, what is so special with the tempe??

Fried tempe. Nothing looks special...
Later I found, that combo of ketan and tempe is quite nice. The tempe was fried after dipped into water mixture of salt and garlic (I assumed). Enjoyed the ketan and tempe while it hot, it was very nice and surprisingly enjoyable. With a cup of hot tea (no cold drink available here), this meal is something homey. Some kindda meal that is so simple and earthy, it brought back the feeling of eating in your own house.
Ketan Susu + Fried Tempe + Chili Padi = Surpri
Ketan susu Kemayoran served :
- Ketan susu (steamed glutinous rice topped with condensed milk and grated coconut)
- Fried tempe
- Banana and sweet potatoes fritters
- Teh poci ( tea served in clay tea pot)

For 4 ketan susu, 11 fried tempe (embarrased), and 2 glass of hot tea, we spent no more than 40K. And of course we went home with full and happy tummy!!

If you wanna visit Ketan Susu Kemayoran, from Pasar Baru traffic light (BPS side), go straight until you pass the railways. Keep straight, until you find intersection. Take right turn, the Ketan Susu Kemayoran is located slighty at the corner of the intersection. Easiest way to mark it is from the lined up motorbike parked in front of it. Max said this waroong was usually visited by the youngster bikers.

Patrons of Ketan Susu Kemayoran
So, enjoy!


Pardon the disappearance...

7:47 PM

Hellow yellow... whoever out there..

Such a loong time no read me eh?

Not that I stop baking, but baking-picturing-posting seems overwhelmed me a bit nowadays. With working hours from 7 to 6 (yes that's my operational hour), limited access for internet connection, oh I'm soo in the middle of concrete jungle! Literally JUNGLE!!


Found that I'm not so committed to baking blogging activity, I 'm thinking about twisting into a liilll difference path.

Stay tuned!

Next will be....

11:37 PM

Wokeh sodarah sodarah...

Berhubung saya lagi semangkaa... Jadi, posting berikutnya adalah soal ROTI *snare drum*
Jadi kemarin - kemarin itu ada event di milis, namanya Bread Week. Yang ikut, rame - rame cuap - cuap soal metode yang namanya Water Roux. Penasaran deh...

Ternyata, water roux itu metode yang dipakai dalam pembuatan roti, diklaim bisa menjaga kelembutan roti lebih lama karena bisa menyimpan kelembaban dalam adonan roti. Efeknya, rotinya lebih empuk. Yaa at least nimpuk doggy ga mati, hehe.... Mau tau lebih banyak, googling doong.... Heuhehe...

PS : posting yang ini pake Foto hehe...

Pennylane Brownies Melted Agogo

10:06 PM

Eh buset
Kapan terakhir update blog??
Pfffuuhh..... *tutup mata*

Maapkeuunn... nulis memang butuh konsistensi dan komitmen yaa.... Even untuk posting2 macam ike ini heuheu....

Sebetulnya... selama ga posting sih banyak yang dihasilkan dari dapur kupluk saya, tapi rata - rata (baca : semua) tak terdokumentasikan. Soalnyaa, kamera yg biasa dipake foto-foto dibawa Mr. Papa... Terakhir gw cek, kameranya sekarang isi foto - foto mesin kapal segede alaeheemm..... T_T


Tahun baruu... kita buka dengan Brownies Melted Agogo! Pemilik resep Mbak Yenni Agustin.
Sudah beberapa kali sih bolak balik resepnya, tapi gak jadi - jadi eksekusinya. Akhirnya, setelah mengumpulkan segenap niat dan bahan, jererejeeng... jadi deh!

Resepnya aku dapat dari milis NCC. Tapi aku modif sedikiit... Terigunya aku kurangin, aku substitute sama coklat bubuk Oreo (yg item, bukan coklat ya, ITEM). Kira - kira resep yang aku pakai kemarin gini ni :


Bahan :
150 gram gula kastor
70 gram terigu (aku pake tepung protein sedang, adanya itu)

30 gram Coklat bubuk Oreo (boleh pakai coklat bubuk yang lain. Kalo ga ada, ganti terigu aja, jd total terigu 100 gr)
100 gram mentega (aku pakai BlueBand yg butter)
100 gram DCC (kalau mau lebih nyoklat yang ditambahin gpp, sekita 125-140
gram. Tapi aku tetep 100 gr, boleh pakai merk apa aja : Cholatta, Tulip, Theys)
2 butir telur

Kacang kenari kupas kira - kira 1 genggaman tangan, iris memanjang
75 gram DCC, dipotong kotak2 kecil
Vanili essence
Cara membuat :

Lelehkan mentega dan DCC sampai lumer, tambahkan gula aduk sampe rata
masukkan telur, vanili aduk sampai tercampur rata, masukkan terigu .

Siapkan loyang brownies yang sudah dioles dengan mentega dan ditaburi terigu. (karena aku bikin 2 adonan #kompulsif, jadi aku pake loyang kotak 20 cm)
Masukkan setengah adonan terus tata DCC yang dipotong kotak diatas adonan, kemudian tutup lagi dengan adonan sisa. Tabur atasnya dengan kenari.

Panggang sampai matang (aku pake suhu 200 derajat , kurleb 20 menit)
Jadinya si Brownies ini sungguh ciyus miriiippp banget sama Brownies terkenal di Bandung itu, yg kalo beli aja ngantrinya aduhaaii banget, bikin keki (lho curhat?!)

Aku emang udah lama pengen punya resep brownies yg kaya si toko KS itu, atasnya garing, tapi dalemnya gooey (apa tah gooey?). Nah ya ini dia nih resepnya! Orang begitu kuenya dipotong, bunyi gituu *jingrak2*

Hasilnya... Kuenya ludes sebelum sempat difoto....

Tinggal ngitung harga jual nih, heuheuheuu....

Next Project : Strawberry Cheese Cake

8:50 AM

I wonder, how do you write it; Cheesecake or Cheese cake?

Don't care that much though.. Ya'll know whadda mean...

Yeap... and I've set the next goal to be the Strawberry Cupcakes.
Gonna use the recipe from Mba' Ria (many thanks Mbak!) 

Oh.. and I just got the bulk pack of CC from the Baking Shop. Usually CC comes in 1 kg size, but this time it came in 2 kgs! It's only a deep-breath away before I grabbed the pack and go home :)

That's for now... 

Feel free to ask anywhere, any time! 

- I -

Lick your spit Ingrid!

7:50 AM


I know in  post, this post I was kindda under estimating those fancy trendy cakes that happend to be scattered in every cake shop nowadays.

But then I find myself intimidated by people in this mailist. I am the witness of how they made people instantly drool over their picture of their cake!

And somehow.. I found my self reviewing some recommended recipe for The Rainbow Cake. Well in the end.. I made it, and I have to admit, it's not as easy as it seems.

Dividing your batter into 6 and coloring was not as easy as I thought. I was made busy. This is not a kindda cake you cake make while whistling all over you kitchen or watching Fox Movies.


I'm using Ombre Cake recipe instead of stick to the original RC recipe due to the crazy increase of eggs, sugar, and butter price! I mean, I just can't understand why people think they can double the price because it's Ramadhan???

The recipe itself was for 5 layer 20 cm cake. I was using 18 cm, so I made it into 6 layer. And my mom criticized the number of white egg, so I reduce it. I'm gonna put the original recipe and mark the area where I put some changes. The recipe was belong to the famous Mrs. Fatmah Bahalwan, the owner and creator of NCC Indonesia.

Bahan A:
12 btr         Telur ( mine was 12 yolks + 8 white )
300 gr        gula pasir
20 gr          emulsifier
1  sdt         vanillie (mine was 1 tsp of vanillie extract)
Bahan B:
260 gr        tepung terigu
20 gr          susu bubuk
20 gr          maizena
Bahan C
150 gr        mentega, lelehkan. (mine was 100 margarin + 25 roombutter + 25 butter)
1 sdm        pasta susu (I skipped it)
Bahan D: 
350 gr        Butter Cream siap pakai
350 gr        Cream Cheese
 (mine was : 100 gr Powder WC + 100 WC + some leftover of cream cheese frosting. Leftover shouldn't be left!)
Bahan E:
200 ml       simpel sirup
Bahan F:
Pasta Pandan ( mine changed to 5 food coloring. Cherry Red, Green Leaf, Royal Blue, Egg Yellow, Yam Purple)

Cara membuat :
1.      Kocok Bahan A hingga kental, masukkan bahan B sambil diayak, tuangi bahan C aduk balik hingga rata.
2.      Bagi adonan menjadi enam, masing-masing diberi Bahan F, kecuali 1 yang dibiarkan polos tdk berwarna. Banyaknya pewarna disesuaikan.
3.      Masing-masing tuang dalam loyang diameter 18cm.  oven hingga matang, kurleb 15 mnt, dinginkan.
4.      Kocok bahan D hingga lembut, sisihkan.
5.      Penyelesaian :
-          Letakkan cake warna ungu, perciki dengan Bahan E, poles dengan  bahan D. Lanjutkan dengan warna biru, hijau, kuning, oranye, dan terakhir merah.
6.      Terakhir, poles seluruh permukaan cake, hias dengan sisa krim, hias sesuai selera.

Daan penampakannya sebagai berikut : 

First evidence that I'm that crappy :)

My brother was so excited he almost finished this cake in 2 days. For me, I'm just happy I could feed my BF, L :)

Well... I'm officially a rainbow maker now. Got any story about making RC? 

- I -

Bonus : a hint of how L defend his RC from our dog, Kimberley :)

Too cute!!

5:02 AM

So.... Here goes the Muffin choco chips recipe..
Sorry for the absence of the picture. The muffin were dissapeared before I knew it.... Oh well..

200 gr all purpose flour
120 gr refined sugar
50 gr palm sugar -- I skip this, and add the same amount of refined sugar
1 1/2 tsp baking soda
50 gr good quality of cocoa powder (me contain of 25 gr bendrof + 25 gr african noir Elmer), finely sifted

1/4 tsp good quality vanilla essence
100 gr butter, melted and leave to room temperature
150 ml milk
2 whole eggs

50 gr good quality choco chips-- 30 gr for mix, 20 gr for topping 
May be added with 50 gr of various nuts

1. Preheat your oven to 190 Celcius degrees.
2. Prepare your muffin cups. I used paper muffin cups instead of muffin mold and paper cups.
3. Mix your dry ingredients in one bowl, mix it evenly.
4. Mix your melted butter, vanilla essence, eggs and milk. Whisk it evenly.
5. Pour the milk batter into the flour mixture, mix it until incorporated.
6. Add the remaining choco chips, nuts, anything you want to mix into your muffin. Fold it. Do not over beat it, just until the chips and nut evenly distributed.
7. Pour into the mold or muffin cups just about 3/4 height.
8. Put it inside the oven for about 20 mnts or so.
9. Start assembling your Chinese cup tea. :D

Monday, February 10, 2014

First Review : Ketan Susu Kemayoran

This will be my first food review from me! Am I a food blogger oredy? Let time judge, as I seem to have problem with commitment (exception for relationship pls)


I choose Ketan susu Kemayoran as my first review because...nothing. I just choose. And it's just soo me, choosing sumthing because I choosed it.

Oh well... Lets just skip to the Ketan Susu thing, shall we?

I was introduced to this snack type food by my boyfriend Max. I cant remember how, but he managed to take me to this glutinuos rice stall. The stall is located on small dark alley. If you in the group of highly sanitized fan, you may found hard to enjoy this. Because the waroong is far from shabby chic, I must say. The waroong is located at the corner of small dark alley at the intersection of Jl. Garuda, Kemayoran. 

Ketan Susu Kemayoran - Front view
The front part used to display and serve the customers. Stack of banana, sweet potato and tempe are within reach from the table set up. While at the back side, they used it to cook the ketan and fried the fritters.
Reach-able display of fritters
For me, when I heard Ketan susu, I was like... what? Ketan? With milk? Condensed milk? Who has that crazy mind?? I mean, ketan, or sticky rice, or glutinous rice usually paired with some savoury dish. Though glutinous rice flour used in many range of traditional sweet treats, the un-milled rice mainly known to be paired with something savoury. Usually it's stuffed with spicy shredded fish ( Lalampa ) or shreded chicken ( Lemper ), or spicy grated coconut ( Serundeng ). One sweet treat created from it, as far as I can remember, is the Ketan Srikaya (glutinous rice topped with steamed sugar, eggs, coconut milk mixture).

So at my first introduction I refused to enjoy it. Shame on me.

By second visit, I kindda forced my taste buds to be more democratic. And I am thankfull...

Ketan susu is simply steamed hot glutinous rice, topped with condensed milk / creamer and grated coconut. The portioning was small, only a small fist size. Ketan susu usually comes with fried tempe and chilly padi.

Ketan Susu topped with grated coconut and condensed milk
The ketan is steamed to perfection. It still grainy, but not hard at all. Al dente is a nice phrase for it. And the condensed milk, surprisingly compliment the ketan very well, resulted in nice sweet but savoury as well. The savoury taste was probably from the grated coconut.
At my second visit, people were lining up not for the ketan, but for..fried tempe.

I was like, what is so special with the tempe??

Fried tempe. Nothing looks special...
Later I found, that combo of ketan and tempe is quite nice. The tempe was fried after dipped into water mixture of salt and garlic (I assumed). Enjoyed the ketan and tempe while it hot, it was very nice and surprisingly enjoyable. With a cup of hot tea (no cold drink available here), this meal is something homey. Some kindda meal that is so simple and earthy, it brought back the feeling of eating in your own house.
Ketan Susu + Fried Tempe + Chili Padi = Surpri
Ketan susu Kemayoran served :
- Ketan susu (steamed glutinous rice topped with condensed milk and grated coconut)
- Fried tempe
- Banana and sweet potatoes fritters
- Teh poci ( tea served in clay tea pot)

For 4 ketan susu, 11 fried tempe (embarrased), and 2 glass of hot tea, we spent no more than 40K. And of course we went home with full and happy tummy!!

If you wanna visit Ketan Susu Kemayoran, from Pasar Baru traffic light (BPS side), go straight until you pass the railways. Keep straight, until you find intersection. Take right turn, the Ketan Susu Kemayoran is located slighty at the corner of the intersection. Easiest way to mark it is from the lined up motorbike parked in front of it. Max said this waroong was usually visited by the youngster bikers.

Patrons of Ketan Susu Kemayoran
So, enjoy!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Pardon the disappearance...

Hellow yellow... whoever out there..

Such a loong time no read me eh?

Not that I stop baking, but baking-picturing-posting seems overwhelmed me a bit nowadays. With working hours from 7 to 6 (yes that's my operational hour), limited access for internet connection, oh I'm soo in the middle of concrete jungle! Literally JUNGLE!!


Found that I'm not so committed to baking blogging activity, I 'm thinking about twisting into a liilll difference path.

Stay tuned!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Next will be....

Wokeh sodarah sodarah...

Berhubung saya lagi semangkaa... Jadi, posting berikutnya adalah soal ROTI *snare drum*
Jadi kemarin - kemarin itu ada event di milis, namanya Bread Week. Yang ikut, rame - rame cuap - cuap soal metode yang namanya Water Roux. Penasaran deh...

Ternyata, water roux itu metode yang dipakai dalam pembuatan roti, diklaim bisa menjaga kelembutan roti lebih lama karena bisa menyimpan kelembaban dalam adonan roti. Efeknya, rotinya lebih empuk. Yaa at least nimpuk doggy ga mati, hehe.... Mau tau lebih banyak, googling doong.... Heuhehe...

PS : posting yang ini pake Foto hehe...

Pennylane Brownies Melted Agogo

Eh buset
Kapan terakhir update blog??
Pfffuuhh..... *tutup mata*

Maapkeuunn... nulis memang butuh konsistensi dan komitmen yaa.... Even untuk posting2 macam ike ini heuheu....

Sebetulnya... selama ga posting sih banyak yang dihasilkan dari dapur kupluk saya, tapi rata - rata (baca : semua) tak terdokumentasikan. Soalnyaa, kamera yg biasa dipake foto-foto dibawa Mr. Papa... Terakhir gw cek, kameranya sekarang isi foto - foto mesin kapal segede alaeheemm..... T_T


Tahun baruu... kita buka dengan Brownies Melted Agogo! Pemilik resep Mbak Yenni Agustin.
Sudah beberapa kali sih bolak balik resepnya, tapi gak jadi - jadi eksekusinya. Akhirnya, setelah mengumpulkan segenap niat dan bahan, jererejeeng... jadi deh!

Resepnya aku dapat dari milis NCC. Tapi aku modif sedikiit... Terigunya aku kurangin, aku substitute sama coklat bubuk Oreo (yg item, bukan coklat ya, ITEM). Kira - kira resep yang aku pakai kemarin gini ni :


Bahan :
150 gram gula kastor
70 gram terigu (aku pake tepung protein sedang, adanya itu)

30 gram Coklat bubuk Oreo (boleh pakai coklat bubuk yang lain. Kalo ga ada, ganti terigu aja, jd total terigu 100 gr)
100 gram mentega (aku pakai BlueBand yg butter)
100 gram DCC (kalau mau lebih nyoklat yang ditambahin gpp, sekita 125-140
gram. Tapi aku tetep 100 gr, boleh pakai merk apa aja : Cholatta, Tulip, Theys)
2 butir telur

Kacang kenari kupas kira - kira 1 genggaman tangan, iris memanjang
75 gram DCC, dipotong kotak2 kecil
Vanili essence
Cara membuat :

Lelehkan mentega dan DCC sampai lumer, tambahkan gula aduk sampe rata
masukkan telur, vanili aduk sampai tercampur rata, masukkan terigu .

Siapkan loyang brownies yang sudah dioles dengan mentega dan ditaburi terigu. (karena aku bikin 2 adonan #kompulsif, jadi aku pake loyang kotak 20 cm)
Masukkan setengah adonan terus tata DCC yang dipotong kotak diatas adonan, kemudian tutup lagi dengan adonan sisa. Tabur atasnya dengan kenari.

Panggang sampai matang (aku pake suhu 200 derajat , kurleb 20 menit)
Jadinya si Brownies ini sungguh ciyus miriiippp banget sama Brownies terkenal di Bandung itu, yg kalo beli aja ngantrinya aduhaaii banget, bikin keki (lho curhat?!)

Aku emang udah lama pengen punya resep brownies yg kaya si toko KS itu, atasnya garing, tapi dalemnya gooey (apa tah gooey?). Nah ya ini dia nih resepnya! Orang begitu kuenya dipotong, bunyi gituu *jingrak2*

Hasilnya... Kuenya ludes sebelum sempat difoto....

Tinggal ngitung harga jual nih, heuheuheuu....

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Next Project : Strawberry Cheese Cake

I wonder, how do you write it; Cheesecake or Cheese cake?

Don't care that much though.. Ya'll know whadda mean...

Yeap... and I've set the next goal to be the Strawberry Cupcakes.
Gonna use the recipe from Mba' Ria (many thanks Mbak!) 

Oh.. and I just got the bulk pack of CC from the Baking Shop. Usually CC comes in 1 kg size, but this time it came in 2 kgs! It's only a deep-breath away before I grabbed the pack and go home :)

That's for now... 

Feel free to ask anywhere, any time! 

- I -

Friday, July 27, 2012

Lick your spit Ingrid!


I know in  post, this post I was kindda under estimating those fancy trendy cakes that happend to be scattered in every cake shop nowadays.

But then I find myself intimidated by people in this mailist. I am the witness of how they made people instantly drool over their picture of their cake!

And somehow.. I found my self reviewing some recommended recipe for The Rainbow Cake. Well in the end.. I made it, and I have to admit, it's not as easy as it seems.

Dividing your batter into 6 and coloring was not as easy as I thought. I was made busy. This is not a kindda cake you cake make while whistling all over you kitchen or watching Fox Movies.


I'm using Ombre Cake recipe instead of stick to the original RC recipe due to the crazy increase of eggs, sugar, and butter price! I mean, I just can't understand why people think they can double the price because it's Ramadhan???

The recipe itself was for 5 layer 20 cm cake. I was using 18 cm, so I made it into 6 layer. And my mom criticized the number of white egg, so I reduce it. I'm gonna put the original recipe and mark the area where I put some changes. The recipe was belong to the famous Mrs. Fatmah Bahalwan, the owner and creator of NCC Indonesia.

Bahan A:
12 btr         Telur ( mine was 12 yolks + 8 white )
300 gr        gula pasir
20 gr          emulsifier
1  sdt         vanillie (mine was 1 tsp of vanillie extract)
Bahan B:
260 gr        tepung terigu
20 gr          susu bubuk
20 gr          maizena
Bahan C
150 gr        mentega, lelehkan. (mine was 100 margarin + 25 roombutter + 25 butter)
1 sdm        pasta susu (I skipped it)
Bahan D: 
350 gr        Butter Cream siap pakai
350 gr        Cream Cheese
 (mine was : 100 gr Powder WC + 100 WC + some leftover of cream cheese frosting. Leftover shouldn't be left!)
Bahan E:
200 ml       simpel sirup
Bahan F:
Pasta Pandan ( mine changed to 5 food coloring. Cherry Red, Green Leaf, Royal Blue, Egg Yellow, Yam Purple)

Cara membuat :
1.      Kocok Bahan A hingga kental, masukkan bahan B sambil diayak, tuangi bahan C aduk balik hingga rata.
2.      Bagi adonan menjadi enam, masing-masing diberi Bahan F, kecuali 1 yang dibiarkan polos tdk berwarna. Banyaknya pewarna disesuaikan.
3.      Masing-masing tuang dalam loyang diameter 18cm.  oven hingga matang, kurleb 15 mnt, dinginkan.
4.      Kocok bahan D hingga lembut, sisihkan.
5.      Penyelesaian :
-          Letakkan cake warna ungu, perciki dengan Bahan E, poles dengan  bahan D. Lanjutkan dengan warna biru, hijau, kuning, oranye, dan terakhir merah.
6.      Terakhir, poles seluruh permukaan cake, hias dengan sisa krim, hias sesuai selera.

Daan penampakannya sebagai berikut : 

First evidence that I'm that crappy :)

My brother was so excited he almost finished this cake in 2 days. For me, I'm just happy I could feed my BF, L :)

Well... I'm officially a rainbow maker now. Got any story about making RC? 

- I -

Bonus : a hint of how L defend his RC from our dog, Kimberley :)

Too cute!!

Monday, June 18, 2012

So.... Here goes the Muffin choco chips recipe..
Sorry for the absence of the picture. The muffin were dissapeared before I knew it.... Oh well..

200 gr all purpose flour
120 gr refined sugar
50 gr palm sugar -- I skip this, and add the same amount of refined sugar
1 1/2 tsp baking soda
50 gr good quality of cocoa powder (me contain of 25 gr bendrof + 25 gr african noir Elmer), finely sifted

1/4 tsp good quality vanilla essence
100 gr butter, melted and leave to room temperature
150 ml milk
2 whole eggs

50 gr good quality choco chips-- 30 gr for mix, 20 gr for topping 
May be added with 50 gr of various nuts

1. Preheat your oven to 190 Celcius degrees.
2. Prepare your muffin cups. I used paper muffin cups instead of muffin mold and paper cups.
3. Mix your dry ingredients in one bowl, mix it evenly.
4. Mix your melted butter, vanilla essence, eggs and milk. Whisk it evenly.
5. Pour the milk batter into the flour mixture, mix it until incorporated.
6. Add the remaining choco chips, nuts, anything you want to mix into your muffin. Fold it. Do not over beat it, just until the chips and nut evenly distributed.
7. Pour into the mold or muffin cups just about 3/4 height.
8. Put it inside the oven for about 20 mnts or so.
9. Start assembling your Chinese cup tea. :D

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